The Child Student visa UK (previously known as the Tier 4 Child visa) might be used for your child if you want them to study at a UK independent school. Before applying for a UK child student visa, you will need to ensure that your child has an unconditional offer of a place at an independent school in the UK.
Timing is key when applying for a child Student visa. Applications can be submitted up to 6 months before the start of the course if done outside of the UK or up to 3 months before if submitted within the UK.
Requirements for a Child Student Visa
In order to qualify for a Child Student Visa, your child will need to satisfy the following requirements:
- Your child is aged between 4 and 17;
- Your child has been offered an unconditional place on an approved course of study at an independent school holding a valid student sponsor licence;
- Suitable arrangements are in place for your child’s care and reception within the UK;
- Your child has enough money to support themselves and pay for their course without relying on public funds (your bank statements will be required)
- Your child has the consent of their parent(s) or legal guardian
The exact requirements your child will need to satisfy will vary depending on your circumstances. For example, if you are divorced, the question might arise whether you have sole responsibility for your child. If you do not, you will generally need to obtain the consent of your divorced partner for your child to study in the UK.
Course Requirements for a Child Student Visa
Child Student Visa applicants can apply for a visa to study one of the following courses:
- A course taught in accordance with the National Curriculum; or
- A course taught in accordance with the Recognised Qualification Framework (RQF), that is not a foundation course intended to prepare the Child Student for entry to a course provided by a higher education provider; or
- A course that is accepted as being of equivalent academic status to the above courses by Ofsted (England), the Education and Training Inspectorate (Northern Ireland), Education Scotland (Scotland) or Estyn (Wales); or
- A course provided in accordance with prevailing Independent School education inspection standards.
It is important to note that as a parent of the child student visa holder, you can explore the option of ‘Parent of a Child Student visa’, subject to meeting specific conditions. However, this route prohibits the parents from working, studying, or establishing primary residence in the UK.
Contact us today to learn more about the child student visa.